
Interview Preparation



    • 握手 —意識して強めに握りましょう。
    • アイコンタクト&表情—意識して目をみて話すようにしましょう。緊張で表情が硬くならないように心がけましょう。また、一緒に働きたいと思ってもらえるよう、ハキハキと元気よく望みましょう。
    • 相槌&リアクション—特に欧州によくみられる特徴ですが、日本とことなり何度も会話の間で相槌を打たない方も多くいらっしゃいます。最後まであなたが何を発言するのか、聞いているため慣れていない方は少し違和感を感じるかもしれませんが最後まで自信をもって話しましょう。
    • 面接での立場—日本でも中途採用の場合は、一般的になりつつありますが採用企業のみが判断する場ではなく、あなたにも企業を見極める機会の場としてあります。入社するにあたって知りたい情報等は積極的に質問を準備しておきましょう。





 履歴書(Resume)と求人票(Job Description)の再確認提出した履歴書と求人票を再度確認し、自分の経歴やスキルを把握しておきましょう。面接官がこれらを基に質問することがあるかもしれません。








➊ 自己紹介

Please introduce yourself.

Tell me about yourself.



  • My name is James Suzuki, and I have an interview scheduled with Jason Green at 13p,m.
  • Hello, thank you for making time today. I am James Suzuki, it’s pleasure to meet you.


  • Thank you for making time today. I am James Suzuki, it’s pleasure to meet you.


See youは、二回目以降に会う方に使います。初めて対面で会う方は基本的にNice to meet youです。もしオンライン面接で数回、最終のみ対面という場合は、Nice to finally meet you in a face to faceなどがおすすめです。


  • 向上心の高い:Ambitious 
  • 結果重視:Goal-Oriented
  • 誠実な:Genuine
  • 好かれやすい:Likeable
  • 忠実な:Loyal
  • 愛想の良い:Amiable
  • 外交的な:Extravert
  • 内向的な:Introvert
  • 決断力のある:Decisive
  • 楽観的な: Optimistic
  • 積極的な:Proactive
  • 耐性のある(タフな):Tolerant 
  • 保守的な:Conservative
  • 勤勉な:dilligent 
  • 時間に正確な:Punctual 

❷ 志望理由

Why do you want this job?

Tell me why do you want to work for us.

Why are you applying for this role?



    1. グローバルだから
    2. 業界シェアが高いから




    • 転職をする上で何を大事にしているか伝える。
    • その上で求人の何が自分にとって魅力的なのか伝える。
    • 入社して、自分のどんな経験が活かせるか伝える。


I am prioritizing the role of people management since I have been in my current role for 3 years managing 2 divisions as head of sales. I saw on your job description that this person you hire will manage 4-5 divisions and will also have the opportunity to train a team of their own in the future and get into direct management. That’s something that excites me a lot, and unfortunately, my current company can’t offer that at this moment, so that’s a major reason that I wanted to apply for this job in particular.

I have been engaged in digital marketing for 7 years and it’s a field that I enjoy and am ambitious to continue growing in. The reason I applied for this role is that after reading the Job descriptions, it seems like a great opportunity to proceed with my career with wider responsibility in digital marketing such as data analysis and marketing strategy including social media and advertisement. And since I have dedicated this similar type of work for nearly 7 years, I believe I would be able to hit the ground running and start contributing immediately to your need.


  • ~のエリアでキャリアを追求したい:I would like to pursue my career in
  • ~なポジションを探しています:I am looking for an opportunity  that…
  • ~が明確になってきた:It became clear to me that…
  • ~に自信があります:I am confident that..
  • ~の経験を振りかえり:As I reflect on that experience, I realise…
  •  自身のキャリアアップのために、このポジションが良いフィットに見えます、具体的には~
    • I can see that the position is a better fit for where I want to take my career—specifically
  • ~のコツをつかみました
    • I had a particular knack for…
  • 仕事を任せること: Delegating tasks
  • 苦労を乗り越えることが好きです。
    • I love overcoming challenges
  • 競争より助け合いを望みます。
    •  I prefer collaboration over competition.

❸ 現在の職務経験を説明する


What is your current role?

Tell me about your current responsibility.


In my role, I was responsible for global sales coordination revolved around checking orders from distributors in my designated region to make sure they were tracking on target and also to support with orders and shipping of parts to those regions.

Currently at TPC Corporation in the Africa and Middle East Automobile Marketing Department responsible for expanding vehicle sales, building strategies and plans to grow the business. I have been handling promotional campaigns, contracts with distributors and also was involved with a knock down parts for assembly plant in Egypt.


  • 現在は:Currently
  • 以前は
    • Previously
    • Prior to
  • 私の役割は:In my role
  • ~を担当しています(した):
    • I am(was) responsible for
    • I am in charge of
  • ~に従事していました
    • I was engaged in
    • I was dedicated to
  • 働く上で~を大事にしている
    • It’s important to me to work for
  • ~の点に達した
    • I’ve come to a point where (there are no longer growth opportunies)
  • 過去の最も楽しかった部分の仕事を体現しており~
    •  It exemplifies the parts of my past work I enjoyed the most and 
  • ~を代表して:on behalf of …
  • ~のことになると:When it comes to…
  • ~に関して
    • In terms of…
    • Regarding….
  • 即戦力
    • Plug and play
    • Hit the ground running

❹ 実績・功績

What is your greatest professional achievement ?




  • Situation |状況
  • Task |課題
  • Action | 行動
  • Result | 結果



In my last position, I was an analyst(S) and I managed the invoicing process(T)– in one month, I streamlined the process(A) saving my group 8-man hours each month and reduced errors on invoicing 5% to zero(R).

To give you some context. When I had to deal with a technical issue as a manager for the infotainment system engineering division, I proactively communicated with all engineers to understand the current situation clearly and report to development teams in the UK as soon as possible by explaining the issue with potential solutions. As a result, I could contribute to a 10% decrease in the number of technical issues reported related to the infotainment system compared to the previous year. 


  • ~に貢献した:I contributed..
  • ~を達成した:I achieved/accomplished..
  • ~を削減することに貢献した:Contributed to reducing…
  • ~を改善した:I improved..
  • ~を指揮した:I navigated /guided…
  • 手短に当時の状況を説明すると:To give you some context
  • 繰り返し:Repetitive
  • 改正する:Rectify
  • 調和させる:Reconcile 
  • 最適化する:Optimise
  • 影響を与える:Impact
  • 再強化する:Reinforce 

❺ 逆質問

Do you have any questions for us?






What types of skills is the team missing that you’re looking to fill with a new hire?

What are the biggest challenges that someone in this position would face?

How are decisions made at (COMPANY NAME)?

How is success measured in this role?

What metrics or goals will my performance be evaluated against?

What is the ideal person for this role?

How is the Japan team organized and what would you like to improve about the team and the way they work?

How is (COMPANY NAME) organized globally / regionally?

What is your vision for (COMPANY NAME) in Japan?

What is the business forecast for Japan?

What do you like about (COMPANY NAME)?

What are the challenges in your opinion for (Company Name) to gain market share in Japan market?

What are the difficulties for someone joining from outside (Company Name ) to be successful in the (Company Name) overseas BU?

What are your expectations for me in the first 3 to 6 months?


